01 February 2020

Battle for Earth Campaign - Game 2 - Moonshot ...

Game 2 of the Battle for Earth Campaign was fought it October (so forgive me if some of the recollection of what happened is a bit hazy!).  However, simple enough is that following Zub's victory in the Station Assault, the second battle would be a Moonshot.

Again 700pts each, the fleets lined up as follows:

Zub's UCM Fleet - 696 / 700 pts
  1. Line Battlegroup - SR 9 - 207 pts
    • Madrid x 1 - 79 pts
    • Jakata x 2 - 64 pts
    • New Orleans x 2 - 64 pts
  2. Line Battlegroup - SR 9 - 207 pts
    • Madrid x 1 - 79 pts
    • Jakata x 2 - 64 pts
    • New Orleans x 2 - 64 pts
  3. Pathfinder Battlegroup - SR 6 - 150 pts
    • Havana x 3 - 150 pts
  4. Pathfinder Battlegroup - SR 6 - 132 pts
    • Santiago x 3 - 66 pts
    • Santiago x 3 - 66 pts
Bsking's Scourge Fleet - 699 / 700 pts
  1. Line Battlegroup - SR 10 - 280 pts
    • Hydra - 140 pts
    • Hydra - 140 pts
  2. Line Battlegroup - SR 6 - 127 pts
    • Chimaera - 105 pts
      • Fleet Enslaver - 2AV - 20 pts
    • Nickar - 22 pts
  3. Pathfinder Battlegroup - SR 4 - 134 pts
    • Gargoyle x 2 - 64 pts
    • Charybdis x 2 - 70 pt
  4. Pathfinder Battlegroup - SR 4 - 138 pts
    • Scylla x 2 - 84 pts
    • Gargoyle x 1 - 32 pts
    • Nickar x 1 - 22 pts
Turn 1:

The two forces moved on, the UCM from the north-east Corner, and the Scourge from the south-west.  Admiral Zub decided to split his line battlegroups between the two clusters, whilst the Scourge remained indecisive, with a lot of their ships hiding behind the cover of the moon!

Fleets arrive in opposite corners (Scourge from the South West on the left of the picture, UCM in the North East on the right)
Scourge fleet seen from behind (Rear Hydra spun 90° to indicate it's stacked on the front one)
Advance party of Santiago's stacked near the North-West cluster
Zub's line group Alpha head to the North-West, with Havana's to the right of the picture
The others split, with Line group Beta head towards the South-Eastern cluster
Turn 2:
The UCM activate the Santiagos early, trying to take out the limited Scourge drop assets as soon as possible.  They lost all 3 in the North West, but manage to take a Gargoyle with them ...

Kamikaze run allows them to take out a Gargoyle, (shown here at the mid-point of the run!)
... but it cost's the UCM dear!
The Santiagos and the Gargoyle are the only real shooting this turn, as the rest of the groups consolidate towards their objectives.  The scourge decide that the North West cluster is the preferred target, so bar 1 Gargoyle and the 2 Charybdis they turn to try to repel the UCM in the North West, abandoning the South East to it's fate.
Battlefield disposition post the launch phase.
Scourge Bombers try to take down the Madrid, which has the Jakata's in close attendance!
In return, the Havana's launch 3 missiles at the Chimaera!
Turn 3:
By now the battle had started to take shape ... the UCM were clearly going to hold the South East Cluster, but the major action would take place in the North West.  
Turn 3 - as depicted by the dice in the centre of the moon!
South-East cluster well and truly belongs to the UCM.
North West is a different matter ...
Shooting took out one of the Jakata's ... which left the Madrid even more susceptible to bombers!
The ground battle belongs to the Scourge
... with the carrier's not far behind
The northern arm of the UCM fleet begin to feel a bit overwhelmed!
Turn 4:
The key turn for the battle.  The majority of the UCM ships (bar 1 Havana, that by now was out of missiles) at the north-western cluster were wiped out, by a combination of the bombers from the turn before, and the shooting of the Scourge ships.  The UCM solidified their hold on the south-eastern cluster, wiping out the last Scourge frigate.  Through a combination of good evading and bad shooting, both the Scourge ships that had been targeted by missiles survived, allowing the Scourge to easily maintain control of the north western cluster mostly un-opposed.
The UCM decided to try to sabotage the north western cluster ...
UCM control of the south-eastern cluster is complete.
Likewise for the Scourge in the north-west.
Victory points in Turn 4 - Zub 6, Bsking 6

Turns 5 & 6:
Given the disposition of the forces on either side of the Moon, the last two turns played out very quickly.  The remaining Havana in the North West was destroyed without causing any further damage to the Scourge.

There were no Scourge ships in the South East to damage the UCM, and with no ability to impact each others remaining fleets, the battle drew to an end.
North-western cluster
South-eastern cluster

Final battlefield shot.
 Victory points in Turn 4 - Zub 12, Bsking 12

With the Victory points tied, the battle came down to Kill points.  As such, the Scourge had won the day given they had destroyed 1 x Madrid, 2 x New Orleans, 3 x Havanas, 2 x Jakatas and 3 x Santiagos = 423 pts, whilst the UCM had destroyed 2 x Gargoyle, 2 x Charybdis & the Nickar, but managed to keep the majority of the Capital Ships alive!

Hence this went down as a win for the Scourge, and meant that the next battle would be a 999pt Moonwreck!

Until next time Commanders ...

- Bsking

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